Quad calculator Cubical quad antenna calculator in java script.PolarPlot Antenna software that lets you measure the polar diagram of a rotatable beam antenna.MMANA MM Antenna Analyzer by JE3HHT – Makoto Mori.Magnetic Loop Designer Magnetic Loop Antenna Design software by.LogPeriodic calculator Logperiodic Dipoles.Helix Antenna Design helix antennas with this DOS program by OH0NC.EZNEC Antenna analysis NEC-2 based antenna analysis software for the amateur and professional.Discone Antenna Design Discone antenna design program by K5DKZ.Bazooka Calculator By West Mountain Radio.ASAP A Free general purpose antenna analysis user-oriented software program for numerical electromagnetic antenna design, antenna modeling and antenna analysis.Antenna Solver provides much greater flexibility in the construction, analysis, and interpretation of radiating structures using a rewritten NEC module.

Antenna Software at QRZ.com Large collection of radio related software at QRZ.com web site.Antenna Maker Antenna design program for Quads, Yagis, Inverted.To search this page first click on page then use Ctrl ‘F’ I make no endorsement nor has any pecuniary interest in any of the listings